Ball-Jointed Dolls

Kirby - February 28 2023

Humanoid Kirby Doll

This is the first somewhat successful poseable doll I've ever sculpted! I've attempted this a few times before, but all attempts fell apart super quick and didn't look that great. Kirby is still a very fragile doll that is a bit tricky to pose in some places and has many other flaws, but I still consider them a success!

Humanoid Kirby Doll, kissing faceplate

I originally wanted the faceplates to split into three parts - that's why the faces have such drastically different expressions. I was too scared of making it wonky though, so I scrapped the idea but kept the faces. I will sculpt some more faceplates someday to accomodate for this. Also because the angry one looks super rough:

Humanoid Kirby Doll

I've wanted to make these humanoid puffball dolls for a long time - I started designing them in my sketchbook in summer of 2021. Kirby is the first one I've decided to make, since they don't have to wear any clothes or accessories whatsoever. I will make them some copy ability inspired outfits once I find the time though. For now, here they are in a G1 Monster High dress:

Humanoid Kirby Doll, in Lagoona Blue's dress